Saturday, January 13, 2007

Princess mononoke

We have finished to see the fiLm *princess mononoke* and María it has said that we write about film. She put the film in Japanese (original version) and the true is very good to know others languages to part of the English.
My opinion is: The film is very good, because is very interesting to see a film based on the reality because this film speak about of the nature, that there is to take care of it.
About fiLm: the film is about.. the people it doesn't protect the nature because they don't think in which it can happen if they don't work in her. Then later the nature is reveals and even kills to some people.
Plot Synopsis: A prince is infected with an incurable disease by a possessed boar/god. He is to die unless he can find a cure to rid the curse from his body. It seems that his only hope is to travel to the far east. When he arrives to get help from the deer god, he finds himself in the middle of a battle between the animal inhabitants of the forest and an iron mining town that is exploiting and killing the forest. Leading the forest animals in the battle is a human raised by wolves, Princess Mononoke.

A bomb in Madrid...

A bomb in the T4 (aeroport Madrid)..!

Madrid. - A car pump exploded in the T4 terminal of the airport of Madrid, according to inform average Spaniards.

Apparently, the device was placed in a van parked in parking of the terminal and exploded after it was let now of his positioning.

According to they say, the pump put ETA in a key site. At least 100 flights have been affected and thousands of people wait after being evacuated of mentioned terminal due to the deflagration of the car the pump of which I am speaking to you and that has happened in Madrid.

xmas in the world..

ChRiismaS In ThE world

The xmas in the world is very simple and seemed to ours.

I go to put as it is celebrated in some countries..

xmaS in AustraLia :
The xmas in Australia is often very hot.

A traditional meal includes a turkey dinner, with ham, and pork. A flaming Christmas plum pudding is added for dessert. In the Australian gold rushes, Christmas puddings often contained a gold nugget.

Some Australians and particularly tourists often have their Christmas dinner at midday on a local beach, Bondi Beach in Sydney's Eastern Suburbs attracts thousands of people on Christmas Day. Other families enjoy their day by having a picnic. If they are at home, the day is punctuated by swimming in a pool, playing Cricket out the backyard, and other outdoor activities

xmaS in BraziL..:
One tradition is to create a nativity scene or Presépio.

Papai Noel or Father Noel is the gift-bringer in Brazil. According to legend, he lives in Greenland. When he arrives in Brazil, he usually wears silk clothing due to the summer heat.
A huge Christmas dinner includes turkey, ham, colored rice, and wonderful vegetables and fruit dishes.

xmaS in deNmark!

Christmas Eve dinner begins with rice pudding that holds a magic almond inside. Whoever finds the almond receives a prize. They then have goose, red cabbage and browned potatoes. After that lots of pastries and cakes.