Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Present simple.


The Simple Present is used to make statements about the present time.

Use the Present Simple to express an action repeated or usual.
The action can be something that often happens. It can also be something a person that usually doesn't do.

I play tennis.
She doesn't play tennis.
Can also indicate the speaker when believes that a fact was true before, is true now or will be true in the future.

It is also used to make generalizations about people or things.

Cats like milk.
Birds don't like milk.
Do pigs like milk?

the spelling doesn't change, except for the third person singular (He, She, It) which adds an "s" to the verb.

He eats.
She plays.
Sometimes other spelling rules also apply to He, She and It.
In some verbs add "es" instead "s"
do - does
go - goes
pass - passes
kiss - kisses
Verbs ending in a consonant and -y often change the -y to -ies:

try - tries
cry - cries

Verbs such as "buy" have no consonant before the "y", so you simply add -s

buy - buyS

The diference between present simple and present continous is that the present simple is used to talk about things that you do usually and the present continous is used to talk about things that happen at moment (now).