Wednesday, October 22, 2008



Andrew Warhola, know as Andy Warhol, was born August 6 from 1928. He was an american artist, and was born in Pittsburgh, third child of Andrej and Julia Warhola, "checolovacos" emigrants.

At the infancy, he had more recollections of his mother because he lived many years with her and she collaborated in some of his works.

When his father died, (that he was worker of cod mines), the family lived at the edge of the misery.

In 1945, he went to Carnegie Institut of Technology, where he received years of design and an artistic formation.

At holidays, he works for the adversiting and consumptions world.
He wanted to have, from younger, a different identity, what led him to using wigs in 1950 and to surrendering to an operations of surgery in 1957.

After to graduating, in 1949, he went with his friend Philip, to New York, dies Andrew Warhola and arises Andy Warhol.
He began to work for known magazines, and in 1952 celebrates the first individual exposition " Andy Warhol: fifty drawings based on Truman Copote's writings.

Warhol returns to the painting in 1960, and changes his professional identity as commercial artist to "Bellas Artes". In 1962, some of his topics more famous: Campbell's soup cans or disasters.

After he was interested by the cinema and he did his firsth movie experiments.

He died in New York city at 6.32 a.m on Frebruary 22 from 1987, from a sudden heart attack.