Wednesday, December 16, 2009


The social nets have turned into a social phenomenon. It's a revolutionary form in which we communicate and interact.

I could have found some of the advantages and disadvantages of this one.
The advantages are great, because thanks to it, it's possible to contact with people who you didn't see or you didn't talk to for a long time.
Social nets let you have relations with people of different sectors and countries.
The nets of proffessions, are a good tool to find labour opportunities and to establish proffessional contacts.

Social nets let us to come to events and to take part in acts. And with the help of them you can have all your life summarized in a social net. But this one, it also has disadvantages.
For example, 43% of the users have formed their profile, so that the whole world can see it. Then, the privacity can turn into danger.

Another disadvantage can be that everything that we publish can turn into property of social nets. And the last disadvantage that I can observe is that social nets can be devour all our time.
My opinion.
(I can't put the webs when I found the information)