Tuesday, January 22, 2008


To use the present perfect is needed this form: has/have + past participle.

We use the present perfect to refer an action that happened at an unspecified time before now, but the exact time is not important.

People have traveled to the moon.
I have been in London many times.

People haven't traveled to the moon.
I haven't been in London many times.

Have the people traveled to the moon?
Have I been in London many times?

We can't use the present perfect with specific time expressions: yesterday, one year ago, last week, etc... but we can use with unspecific expressions: ever, never, many times, before, etc.

The difference between past simple and present perfect is that to use the present perfect is needed add have/has .

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Use Past Simpe to express an action in the past that is started or finished in a specific time.

To make an affirmative sentence in the past is needed the subject (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they) + verb in past form + adverbial.

I went to the beach yesterday.
You ate paella last year.

To make a negative sentence is needed the subject + auxiliary (did not, didn't) + verb infinitive + adverbial.

I didn't go to the beach yesterday.
You didn't eat paella last year.

And to make an interrogative sentence is needed the question words (when, why, where, etc...) + auxiliary (did) + subject + verb infinitive + adverbial.

Why did I go to the beach yesterday?
When did you eat paella?

In the regulars verbs is added "ed" or "d" if finishes in vocal. If finishes in "y" changes for "ied".

We played tennis for two hours.
She arrived late.
You studied a lot.

In the irregulars verbs has a own form. Is the second column in the list of the verbs.

I went to the cinema last night.
He drunk water yesterday.

CREDITS: http://www.saberingles.com.ar/curso/lesson14/04.html

Sunday, January 13, 2008


The people say that the books are to become extinct, and the cause is the computers, daily we manage more time to play and talking with the Messenger in the computers, because is more funny than read. The books are an old “game” to pass the time, and the computers are funnier. The people say too, that, is more boring read than play with the computer, because you have a fun time playing.

‘Nejila’ say: “Computers are faster, easier, and more fun than books. Its hard to find a fact in a book while with a computer you need to do is type in what you want to find and it pops right up.I think everybody should use computers instead of buying books. Why should we cut down more and more of the few trees we have when we can just go on the internet and find the same thing. I think its bull that most of the people that would like to read a book than use a computer, more than likely dont even know how to use one. I would much rather use a computer than read a book any day.”

‘Faye’ say that, is true, the computers are very funny, but the books are very interesting, because when you’re reading a book you feel many things and you don't have the risk of a paedophile molesting you.

MY PERSONAL OPINION: I think that the computers are impressionists yes, but the books too, because like ‘Faye’ say, when you’re reading a book you feel many things that you don’t feel with the computer. The computers are funny yes, but the books too; many books are very funny and entertain you. I know many people that read and play with the computers too, and it is very good. Before I didn’t like read, but when I read “Crepúsculo” began to like me.


I celebrate my Christmas with my family. In this entry only I talk about the New Year's Eve and the New Year’s day.

NEW YEAR’S EVE; In this night I’m with my father’s family and I pass it very well, because I have a lot of funny with my uncle and my cousin, they’re always to be good-humoured. This night we dinner and speak, and later we see the TV, always we see “cruz & raya”. Then, we dance and we drink to the new year (in this circumstance: 2008). Later arrives Merche (she works in the school) with her husband and her sons (her husband is very very funny), because she’s the brother’s girl of my uncle. And I don’t know what more can I say.. Only that… I pass this night very well!!

CREDITS: the text is mine, the video is of my camera... but the video is only in New Year's Day, and this is my uncle's house.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


NEW YEAR’S DAY; In this day I’m with my mother’s family in my uncle’s house and I pass it very well too, but we are more people than in my father’s family and always we have a lot of theme of talk. We eat and then we play to a game funny, and we see de TV too. Always arrives my cousin Amanda, she’s 15 years old, and I go with her and we go for a walk in Paterna.