Thursday, August 27, 2009

holidays - salou

This year I went to Salou for holidays, with my parents and my boyfriend. I passed it very well, the hotel at which we were lodging was very nice, and very well. We were going to full board. And in this hotel, you have the swimming pool, the jacuzzi and the beach, all into the hotel. The hotel was Hotel club cap salou, in which we are in other time, when I got 10 years old. The hotel was very good, it's very calm and agreeable, you can rest calmly.

I would like to speak a bit on salou, so...
Salou is placed in the province of Tarragona, in the coast gilded to 10 km from Tarragona. It relies on 25.754 habitants.
Along the 20th century, Salou turned into an important tourist center, condition that it supports at present., now is a tourist zone in summer too, but very alone in winter.

This zone, one presents the consumers as one of the destinations of vacations with more quality in the Mediterranean.
The principal attraction of salou is the the Sun and beach, with nine beaches and coves of golden sand, calm waters and benign climatology all the year round.

In the surroundings of the locality Port Aventura is the theme park.

I'm talked about Salou, because I think it's a very good zone of you have got pass your holidays, I recommend it.


Friday, August 14, 2009

flu A

What's de flu A?

The flu A, called also the porcine flu, is a respiratory contagious disease of the porks. The virus that originate the porcine flu only infect to the porks, but sometimes they penetrate the barrier and cause diseases to the human beings.
Which are the symptoms of the flu?

The symptoms that there presents a person infected by the virus of the flu A are very similar to those that a person suffers with a common flu. Of that diagnose this disease is so difficult.

Symptoms very similar to those of the common flu, for not saying identical:
High fever, continued and painful cough, sneezes, general discomfort, muscular pains, lack of appetite, etc.

How is it possible to know if it's about of a case flu A?

The doctors are the only ones they're capable of diagnosing a case of flu A due to the similarity of its symptoms of the common flu. For it there's obtained a sample of mucosity of the respiratory device of the patient during the 4 or the first 5 days of the infection. And there will decide the concrete type of virus about which it treats itself. Sometimes also it's possible to be necessary to realize a test in blood.

When is it necessary to start worrying?

A flu is troublesome, but for general norm, doesn't need hospitalization. Nevertheless, with the porcine flu it will be necessary to come as soon as possible to a hospital if one presents someone of the following symptoms in the patient:

- difficulty carries to extremes to breathe.
- vomits or persistent diarrheas.
- decrease of the condition of conscience, managing to lose it even.
- sudden changes in the cardiac frequency.
- sharp worsening of a chronic disease.

"Don't kiss, don't give the hand, say hello ", warns.

But I think that it's not too important that, because to one of your friends you go to kiss him/her. But it's a good way of anticipating, because there are already many deaths caused by the contagion of the flu.

Monday, August 10, 2009


KING OF POP has died.

Michael jackson, one of the singers more important of the last decades, has died in "Los Ángeles" with 50 years age, after suffering a heart failure.
The singer had been moved of urgency to the hospital UCLA, but the doctors couldn't revive it.

Everything began with a call to the emergency services of the city, asking for an ambulance in the house of the singer Holmby Hills.When the doctors came to the domicile, the singer already wasn't breathing, apparently they tried a cardiorespiratory resuscitation before moving him to the hospital.

Nevertheless, not even dead Michael Jackson has got away himself from the polemic and the rumors. Some mass media speculate already on a possible abuse of medicaments. In this respect, the attorney of the family Jackson, Brian Osman, was alluding in declarations a possible overdose. " I noticed on the use of the prescribed medication and to the persons who were allowing him the ingestion of these medicines " " I don't know the situation of last weeks " " during the last years I said to his relatives that he was taking medicine in excess ", he said.

For other part, friends of the singer pointed at the possible stress generated by his awaited return to the scenes as motive of his death. Uri Geller, close friend of Michael Jackson, thought, that 50 concerts that the artist had programmed in London inside of his great return to the direct one played a very important paper in his death.

Jackson had a delicate health during great part of his life with many moments in which he needed sanitary attention, four of them when the judgment was celebrated in the one that one was accusing him of abusing sexually of a minor.

In 1995 it was entered in a hospital in New York to vanish in a essay in a theatre. In addition he passed several times for the operating rooms to surrender to aesthetic operations.

The singer leaves three children, Michael Joseph Jackson Jr., Paris Michael Katherine Jackson and Prince 'Blanket' Michael Jackson II.

Michael jackson already is a legend.
