Thursday, December 28, 2006


A daY iN mY LiFe . .

My week is very easy. A monday is...
I get up at haLf past seven.

Later watch the tv and go to the school.
I arrive and speak with my friends that have arrived.
We give class, we study.... and hour later free (garden), We had lunch.
But class and after the class we are going to eat and more garden.
And one hour of class...... Later go to my house and I study.
After speak with my friends to the computer, I am going to have supper and I am going away to sleep.
And thus all the week, untiL the aim arrives WEEKENDS!!!!! xD And soon already ...
I get up to the hour that wants and what wants to do, I do it. But what ground to do is study,computer,watch tv and listen to music.... and go to the cinema too!

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