Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Israel-Gaza Conflict


I'm going to talk about the Israel and Palestinian conflict, or rather, fight of different natures like territories, politics, ideologies, religions, races, justice, terrorism and world powers.
The territory known as Palestine is a dispute does already more than one century, this owes especially immediately after the invasion and creation of Israel's State in 1948 and the aborted birth of the Arabic Palestinian State.


Since the first Hebrew village came to Palestine in 1.600 B.C., the Jews haven't managed to be owners of this land; well because they were expelled from it, well because they were conquered.

In 1881 the Ottoman Government, it allows to the Jews to go to Palestine as pilgrims but not to be established.

In 1882 is produced a wave of Jewish immigration and the Palestinians protest.

During the First World War (1914-1918), Great Britain promised to the Arabs of Palestine to give them the independence as country, if they were fighting against the Turks (who had conqu
ered the zone from s. The XVth) but Great Britain didn't fulfil it promise and, conquered the Turks, Palestine turned into British mandate. At the same time and secretly, agreed with the Jews on the creation of Israel's State in Palestine.

When the British lose the control of the situation and before the big wave of the Jewish immigration, after the horror Nazi, the O.N.U. takes charge of the Palestinian question.

Arabs and Hebrews couldn't coexist in one only State, the UNO resolved the partition of Palestine in 2 states (one Arab and another one Jew), and Jerusalem controlled by international forces.

After strong discussions, it was done a voting, when the result of the voting was known, the Arabic countries demonstrated that they would never accept the partition of the territory, not the existence of a Jewish State.

On May 15, 1948, David Ben Gurión, chief of the provisional government and one of the Jewish heroes, proclaimed unilaterally Israel's State.

This provoked the first one of the Wars Arab-Israeli.


The Jews never had an own state, and they decided to create a country that was sheltering all the Jews of the world and chose Palestine.

After 2 ª World war, Jews start coming to Palestine, and the UNO allows to the Jews to create a state in Palestine.
The Palestinian territory is divided in 2 (and Jerusalem governed by the UNO). The Jews agree, but the Palestinian Arabs reject it and it begins the war.


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