Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I talk in this entry about my friends, because I have been all my life with them and always they were with me when I'm sad and they do the possible for I'm happy. We are inseparables and they are insuperables.

ELISA --> She's Elisa, is very friendly and affectionate. She's very funny and I have a lot of fun with her. I love her for many things, but the principal thing is that she's with me in the badly moments and she back me very much. I love her too because, she's very crazy and with her is impossible have a bad time. I think that whatever happens I'm with her. She's very important to me and we are inseparables. I love her madly.

CARLA DUAL --> She's Carla, is very friendly too and pleasant to be with her. I meet her when I was in elephants and in those days I caught very affection. I love her because she's very important to me, and I have a lot of fun with her too, how all my friends. With Carla is impossible have a bad time too because usually she's laughing. I love her very much.

SILVIA --> She's Silvia, is my friend too, and I was with her for 10 years old approximately. She's very funny and crazy and very friendly too, is very considerable. I think that I can't to carry on without her because she's essential to me and very important too. I love her because she's always with me. I love you very much, Silvia.

VALERIA --> She's Valeria, is very funny and friendly. Sometimes I discuss with her but in the end we sort out because I love her and she love me, I know. I was very moments with her, and were impresionants, because she's always laughing and I love that. I think that she's very important and essential to me and I don't like that we separate us because I can't live without her :P I love you, Valeria (L)

CARLA VELA --> She's Carla, other Carla xD, I'm with her since always and between us we love us very much. Always there were two of us, and always I was with her. I love her and never I stop doing this. She's very funny and affectionate. Is very special to me and I love her very much !

ANA --> She's Ana, she's the person more pleasant that I know and sensible. I love her because I have a lot of fun with her and she's always happy, and she transmit that. She's very friendly and affectionate. We don't together since always but yes forever, because I love her very much.

And this is all, they are my friends since always and my other friends (out of school and inside) are insuperables and I love them a madly .

CREDITS: the text is mine and the photo is of my camera, in Madrid, an impresionant travel with the 19 promotion.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


This entry is about my family.
I go to present you them …

this is my mom, her name is Marga and she’s 40 years old. She’s the cook of Escuela 2 and is very friendly and affectionate.
Always we discuss, but I know that she love me.

this is my dad, he works in a factory (cibo) and he’s 47 years old.
He has blonde hair and blue eyes, and the people says that I seem him. I seem to my father’s family. He’s very affectionate too, and is very timid like


MY BROTHER : this is my brother, he’s 24 years old. Usually we discuss, but he’s the best brother that I can have. Only we’re brothers of mom, because he has other dady, but I consider him my brother, although in reality we are it. I love him very much.

MY DOG : and this is noa, is my dog…

Is very affectionate and VERY BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Is very playful too and always is happy. When I have a badly day, she make happy the day.

This is all, I love them and I think that they’re a big part to my life.


CREDITS: photos of my camera and the text is mine.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I took this book (little women) at summer because I think that is very nice.

My book is about four sisters, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.

They were very sad because is christmas and they don't have much money to the christmas presents, but they were very sad too because their father never was at home in xmas. They have problems, but the girls have happy times too!!

And later the girls went to a party and they meet a boy that is very friendly.

My personal opinion is that this book is very nice and enjoy, not is borring, because explain many things and it entertains

Monday, November 05, 2007

our enviroment: my class

our enviroment: my class

because I think that, they are the best class in the world.

We are the nineteen promotion, and we are the best...

we know to work in group and we are very independents, but affectionate too, because is imposible not be affectionate with them.

They are love, ESCUELA 2 is love :)
We are together since the three years, and we had our fights but we continue here, helping between us.

And the truth, I don't want to finish the course because sincerely I don't imagine my life without them.

In 2º ESO, we have a exchange with France, but this year we have a exchange with Germany, to speak in english and know other people.

The last year we went to Madrid, and I think that this travel was an experience excelent, because we were very well, they made that trip special.

We have an exchange virtual too.





Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Present simple.


The Simple Present is used to make statements about the present time.

Use the Present Simple to express an action repeated or usual.
The action can be something that often happens. It can also be something a person that usually doesn't do.

I play tennis.
She doesn't play tennis.
Can also indicate the speaker when believes that a fact was true before, is true now or will be true in the future.

It is also used to make generalizations about people or things.

Cats like milk.
Birds don't like milk.
Do pigs like milk?

the spelling doesn't change, except for the third person singular (He, She, It) which adds an "s" to the verb.

He eats.
She plays.
Sometimes other spelling rules also apply to He, She and It.
In some verbs add "es" instead "s"
do - does
go - goes
pass - passes
kiss - kisses
Verbs ending in a consonant and -y often change the -y to -ies:

try - tries
cry - cries

Verbs such as "buy" have no consonant before the "y", so you simply add -s

buy - buyS

The diference between present simple and present continous is that the present simple is used to talk about things that you do usually and the present continous is used to talk about things that happen at moment (now).


Monday, September 10, 2007


in Paterna;

In the festivals of Paterna, always act the "moros and cristianos" a traditional party from here. This year we had many concerts free, for example: Melendi, Andy&Lucas and more...

The festivals finished with the "cordà" very very traditional in Paterna, with 195 coeters and more.

La Cañada;

Tuesday 21 of August, I went to La Cañada with Paula and others friends, Iris and Ana, in the evening. Later wine Andrea and began the cavalcade. At 22:00 began the DISCOMOVIL!!!! We danced a lot and later wine MªLuz with Amparo (a friend of MªLuz).

Wednesday 22 of August, I went to La Cañada too with Paula, Andrea and MªLuz and we had dinner paella with the family of Andrea, the paella was made by her uncle, and later wine the "strenos" a very cool group! The best boy was JUAN (L) :P and we danced a lot!

Friday 24 of August came Juan Bau and Gisela.

Saturday 25 of August, I went to La Cañada too with Paula, Andrea, Violeta and Valeria. Later Valeria went to her house and wine MªLuz. This day came the "pecos" but we went to the "pinada" because we don't like the pecos ¬¬.




Friday, September 07, 2007

The bomb in Castellón.


The bomb of Castellón, had a system impossible to defusing.

The investigators relate this explosive with the Saturday, in the house of "Cahors" in France, where the terrorist group ETA, besides other activities, made the explosives.

The Police stopped to five persons of the band, Luis Ignacio Iruretagoyena Lanz "Suni", considered the best expert in explosives of the group, Oihan Barandalla Goñi, Ander Múgica Andonegui and Alaitz Aramendi Jaunarena.

The van-bomb was loaded with 100K. explosives.

Not yet the objective is known that the terrorist group, ETA, had selected for attempted in the Valencian community, because the van-bomb was done exploiting by the own ETA members in the cited olive grove.

The vehicle, a van Mercerdes Vito, was stolen by ETA to a family of Orio of holidays in France, since the 24 to 27 of August. In the house of "Cahors" the French Police found the computer that the ETA members had stolen to the family.

Credits: http://www.elpais.com/articulo/espana/bomba/Castellon/tenia/capacidad/suficiente/echar/abajo/edificio/elpepuesp/20070829elpepinac_11/Tes

Saturday, September 01, 2007



The footballer Antonio Puerta Pérez died to the 14:30 in the Virgen del Rocío hospital, where was entered since the night on Saturday by serious coronary problems that suffered in the stadium "Sánchez Pizjuán" where playing against the Getafe.

The heart of the Sevillean of 22 years, sttoped to the 14:30, after more than 50 hours in the UCI.
To the half hour of the encounter of Saturday, Puerta fell to the lawn and immediately was helped by his companion, Dragutinovic, who avoided
the asphyxiation.

After the first ´lash´ the heart of Puerta resisted and went to the wardrobes by his own foot. There the youth was dispelled again and the doctors decided their transfer to the hospital.

He was sedated, and attended with mechanical respiration.

Monday morning, Puerta suffered a cardiac stop prolonged that caused cerebral damages. Since the 23:00 the state passed to be very critical.
Sevilla, announced the death of the youth to the 16:30.

"Puerta, Sevilla is with you!", was the shout of pain to the Sevillian.
Antonio Puerta was buried to the 14:00 in the cemetery of San Fernando of Sevilla, after a pretty and sad farewell of every Sevilla.

Puerta, everyone is with you!

Monday, August 27, 2007


B E N I D O R M ' o 7
I was in Benidorm last week, in an apart-hotel (albir garden).
I passed it very well and I knew many people, of Valencia, of Barcelona, of Castellón... and also I knew to people of Ingland.
The trip was very well and the apart-hotel was very nice.

Everyday we were going to see Benidorm and to the stores, and another day we went to see Altea, a very nice town.

Every night the hotel did animation for the small children,
and the people that I knew and me always went to the recreational or to a park that was inside of the hotel.

We passed it very well and we did many photos,
the truth is... I miss them.

Everyday we went to the swimming pool,
to a BIG swimming pool.
I don't know what more to say...
The trip was very well and the people was PERFECT.
and every day I speak with them for MSN.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Interactive whiteboard!

interactive whiteboard!

An interactive whiteboard is a board digital, in which the teachers explain the lessons to the students. Is generally an interactive type of computer screen.

Interactive whiteboards typically require a computer to generate the display via a projector. Typical software mimics is the computer's mouse and keyboard.

They are used in many classrooms, business presentation and workgroup.

The interactive whiteboard is connected to a computer through a wired medium (USB, a serial port cable) or wirelessly (Bluetooth).

They are particularly useful with interactive applications, such as presentation software (e.g. Microsoft PowerPoint), Computer-aided design (CAD) packages, and others.

In my school (escuela2) we have two interactives whiteboards and they are very useful to see films or works.

the information is from: wikipedia.org : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interactive_whiteboard

Monday, June 04, 2007



A podcast is a digital media file, it consists of creating sound archives and is distributed in a file RSS.

A podcast is a specific type of webcast.

A podcast is a collection of archives (usually audio and video) and when new "episodes" become available in the podcast they will be automatically downloaded.

A podcast is distinguished from other digital media formats by its ability to be syndicated and though podcasters' web sites may also offer direct download or streaming of their content.

Certain podcasts can even be live and interactive.

Saturday, June 02, 2007


The adventures of Tom Sawyer!

The book is about of a boy, his name is Tom sawyer. Tom Sawyer, a mischievous taken in by his Aunt Polly, goes through a series of adventures involving his friends, Joe Harper and Huckleberry Finn. Tom is an escape master, and a professional trickster. Tom sawyer lives near the Mississippi River in the USA. He likes to have fun but he doesn't like school or work. Tom and his friend, Huck Finn, have many exciting adventures together, sometimes even dangerous adventures. He also is somewhat smart and has a good sense of humor. Many times, Tom suddenly changes from his grinning self into a fearsome pirate or Indian. Tom Sawyer's is impressing girls with fights and stunts in the schoolyard, getting lost in a cave, and playing pirates on the Mississippi River.
Credits: me and book .. xD!

Thursday, May 31, 2007



When we arrive to madrid, the third day we went to toledo in AVE, but the first train we lost and we had to catch the next ave two hours later. We passed it very well, we went shopping in the square of Toledo. Later we ate sandwiches in the street of Toledo with the teachers.

When we finished to sandwich, we went to square and we rested in a bank. After we went to a "mezquita" and later we went to mc donalds.

credits: me!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

ESO1 in madriiiid.

ESO 1 traveled to Madriid!

7th of May eso1 traveled to madrid, it was a very important experience.
We visited museums, monuments, parks, restaurants (xD), shops, places..
The museums that we went to visit are reina sofia, prado & thyssen.
Also we went to visit the palacio real, sabatini's garden, retiro's park, hylogui's restaurant, "la cibeles", "plaza mayor"..

10th of May we went to toledo in AVE.
we passed it very well, the best trip of the course!

we visited a lot monuments and we walked a lot but the trip was very good.

When we arrive to the hostal, after we went to museum reina sofia and we visited a part of madrid, also we went to "la plaza mayor".
the second day we visited "la puerta del sol" and more monuments, and after we went to lunch in a hylogui's restaurant.
the third day we went to toledo in AVE and we went to shops for buy gifts.
the fourth day we went to sabatini's garden and "el palacio real".
the last day we prepare the bags and come to Valencia.
The objetive of the trip was that we became autonomous and independents.

san valentine's day


San valentine's day is on february 14. Is a traditional day which lovers express all the love and affection, and is the perfect occasion for love and romance. It is very common to present flowers on Valentine's Day. Normally the timid people give in valentine's day an anonymous letter to declare the love that he or she feels towards the person. This day also is used to say to a friend that you love him, or also to say that you NEED him. Is a very romantic day for the people that feel something and they don't know to express it.


A day without you,
Is a day without me,
For you make me who I am,
And who I want to be.

A day without you,
Is a day without light,
For you light up my sky,
And you light up my life.

A day without you,
Is a day without sound,
For I open my ears,
To hear you around.

A day without you,
Is a day without cheer,
For you make me smile,
And you don't cause a tear.

A day without you,
Is a day without sight
For you open my eyes,
And make my world bright.

But a day without you,
Will never be,
Because I trust in you,
That you will never hurt me.

Credits: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valentine's_Day


and me

Thursday, May 03, 2007



The desert of sahara is the desert more bigger in the world, with 9.065.000 km.

The desert is in north África. Goes from: Argelia, Túnez, Marruecos, Sáhara Occidental, Mauritania, Níger, Libia, Egipt and Chad.

Sahara people!..

The majority of the people of sahara living in the sahara desert, are nomads, which means that these people continuously move from region to region in search of better living conditions.

Another group of people that live in the Sahara are the Berbers.

In the 1600's the arabs invaded North Africa and pushed the Berbers towards the Atlas Mountains and other areas near the Sahara.

Today most of the Berbers live in Morocco and Algeria.
They make up 40 percent of Morocco's population and 30 percent of Algeria's population.

Thursday, April 26, 2007



The fallas is a tradiccional party in Valencia.
In valencia is the custom that act the most of "falleras and falleros",

this is celebrated in march. Is a tradiccional party in valencia and cities that they are close. Their origins are really very simple, the facts of the factories are burned and we celebratated a party.

The fallas have very meters of height, and are composed by numerous figures.

Later, when they mount the falla they paint it.

The fallas put on the street in March 15 and in March 19 is burned.

Day 15 ~> "la plantá"
Day 16 ~> prizes
Day 17 ~> "la ofrenda"
Day 18 ~> the night of the castle
Day 19 ~> "la cremá"



He was born in 1564. William shakespeare was an english poet and playwright, he wrote approximaly 38 plays and 154 sonnets.

He married Anne Hathaway in 1582, at age 18, had three childrenand he died on april 23, 1616 at age 52.

Shakespeare was one of the first playwrights to retire before he died.

Millions of people all over the world read his works and see his plays in theatres, in cinemas and on television.

The popular of his works is "ROMEO AND JULIET".

He worked to actor and writer.


- the tempest
-the two gentlemen of verona

-the merry wives to windsor

-measure for measure

-the comedy of errors

-much ado about nothing


- romeo and juliet

- coriolanus

- titus andronicus

- timon of athens

- julius caesar

- macbeth

- hamlet

- antony and cleopatra

Saturday, February 17, 2007

The greenhouse effect ..

The greenhouse effect . . .

The greenhouse effect is when the temperature of the atmosphere raises because certain gases trap energy from the sun. The greenhouse effect is important.

Without the greenhouse effect, the Earth would not be warm enough for humans to live, but the may cause problems for humans, plants, and animals if is much warmed.

Sunlight enters the Earth's atmosphere, passing through the certain gases and even reach the surface the Earth's, water and biosphere absorb the sunlight’s energy.

And when is absorbed the energy is sent back into the atmosphere. Their gases are: (water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane)
Most greenhouses look like a small glass house. Greenhouses are used to grow plants, especially in the winter. Greenhouses work by trapping heat from the sun.
The glass panels let in light and from escaping. This causes the greenhouse to heat up,
and keeps the plants warm enough to live in the winter.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Princess mononoke

We have finished to see the fiLm *princess mononoke* and María it has said that we write about film. She put the film in Japanese (original version) and the true is very good to know others languages to part of the English.
My opinion is: The film is very good, because is very interesting to see a film based on the reality because this film speak about of the nature, that there is to take care of it.
About fiLm: the film is about.. the people it doesn't protect the nature because they don't think in which it can happen if they don't work in her. Then later the nature is reveals and even kills to some people.
Plot Synopsis: A prince is infected with an incurable disease by a possessed boar/god. He is to die unless he can find a cure to rid the curse from his body. It seems that his only hope is to travel to the far east. When he arrives to get help from the deer god, he finds himself in the middle of a battle between the animal inhabitants of the forest and an iron mining town that is exploiting and killing the forest. Leading the forest animals in the battle is a human raised by wolves, Princess Mononoke.

A bomb in Madrid...

A bomb in the T4 (aeroport Madrid)..!

Madrid. - A car pump exploded in the T4 terminal of the airport of Madrid, according to inform average Spaniards.

Apparently, the device was placed in a van parked in parking of the terminal and exploded after it was let now of his positioning.

According to they say, the pump put ETA in a key site. At least 100 flights have been affected and thousands of people wait after being evacuated of mentioned terminal due to the deflagration of the car the pump of which I am speaking to you and that has happened in Madrid.

xmas in the world..

ChRiismaS In ThE world

The xmas in the world is very simple and seemed to ours.

I go to put as it is celebrated in some countries..

xmaS in AustraLia :
The xmas in Australia is often very hot.

A traditional meal includes a turkey dinner, with ham, and pork. A flaming Christmas plum pudding is added for dessert. In the Australian gold rushes, Christmas puddings often contained a gold nugget.

Some Australians and particularly tourists often have their Christmas dinner at midday on a local beach, Bondi Beach in Sydney's Eastern Suburbs attracts thousands of people on Christmas Day. Other families enjoy their day by having a picnic. If they are at home, the day is punctuated by swimming in a pool, playing Cricket out the backyard, and other outdoor activities

xmaS in BraziL..:
One tradition is to create a nativity scene or Presépio.

Papai Noel or Father Noel is the gift-bringer in Brazil. According to legend, he lives in Greenland. When he arrives in Brazil, he usually wears silk clothing due to the summer heat.
A huge Christmas dinner includes turkey, ham, colored rice, and wonderful vegetables and fruit dishes.

xmaS in deNmark!

Christmas Eve dinner begins with rice pudding that holds a magic almond inside. Whoever finds the almond receives a prize. They then have goose, red cabbage and browned potatoes. After that lots of pastries and cakes.