Sunday, December 28, 2008

The boarding school


The boarding school is a series of “Antena 3”.
It was premiere the 24 May, 2007.

The series is about a boarding school beginning a new year in “The black lagoon”. This boarding school is in a forest, where study the children of the most influential families.
This year, comes new pupils: Marcos Novoa Pazos and her sister Paula, they had to begin a new life because their parents have disappeared, supposedly, in a ship. And Hector, the boarding school’s director, turns into the legal tutor of them.
Carolina, other pupil, loves Marcos, but she has boyfriend. And Victoria, her best friend, loves Iván, the Carolina’s boyfriend.
The protagonists are five: Marcos, Carolina, Ivan, Roque and Victoria.
Comes a new cleanliness girl, María, nobody knows her past, and they don’t know that has gone away of a psychiatric hospital and comes looking for her son. She discovers her son, Iván. She tries to approach him but he despises her for her profession.

Dies a teacher because was very near for to discover the mystery conceals “the black lagoon”. The pupils try too to discover it, because Alfonso, the teacher dead, talks with them before and he tells everything. The pupils discover that before the boarding was an orphanage that closed per the strange disappearance of five children. And discover the corpses of the five pupils, those of Alfonso and a video in which deal with organs. They don’t know that will traverse a serious danger per an organization that looks for exchequers hidden in the boarding school and per another that deals with organs. Dies one of pupils too and the organizations want to kill the rest. The enemy is more near what they believe. Because in this boarding school nothing is what seems, and nobody is who says to be.


and me.

Sunday, December 14, 2008



William of ockham was an English mathematician, Franciscan friar and philosopher, best known for Ockham's razor, one version of which is: "It is vain to do with more what can be done with less".

He was born in Ockham, a small village in Surrey, near East Horsley.

He was nicknamed "the invincible doctor", and was the principal nominated of the 14th. century.

He has studied at Merton school, Oxford, and he had John Duns Scotus for teacher.

He entered in the Order of the Franciscans at a very early age, studying theology.

Towards 1310 he went to Paris, where had Scotus once more for a teacher. In1317/1319 he was a teacher (magister) at the University of Paris. During this portion of his career he composed his works on Aristotelian physics and on logic.
In 1323 he devoted himself to the ecclesiastic politics, leaving the university.

Critical of the ideas of Sant Thomas Aquinas, he was very polemical in his own time.

The main political ideas of William Ockham influenced in the modern political thought, such as the separation of the temporal and the spiritual power, the right to the free political decision and the right to refuse to obey tyrannical laws and kings.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008



6 October, ESO 3 group went to Piles, to a hostal, went ESO 2 too.

The teachers went with us were Enric, Joan, Rosa and Loli. Was a hostal very nice, beacuse was opposite the beach. Was very good but the hostal director was nervous and we had problems with him.

We were in Piles three days.
The first day we went to the mountain to did a tour, and passed for a few tunnels. But we didn't have many time and we had to go to the hostal to leave the suitcases.

When we arrived to the hostal, the director, talk with us for to say which were the hostal rules. And later we went to the beach. Some of us, didn't have swimsuit but the people swam with the clothes.

The second day we had thought go to Oliva, but neither we had time. And we were in the beach too, the last day too... because we didn't have many time to do activities. The food was very good and the trip in general, was very good too.

We passed it very well, because this travel was relax and we were all together. I like to go another year.

We went for to learn to be independents (one of the objetives) and the intention was too, pass it very well.
CREDITS: the text is mine and the photos are with my camera.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008



Andrew Warhola, know as Andy Warhol, was born August 6 from 1928. He was an american artist, and was born in Pittsburgh, third child of Andrej and Julia Warhola, "checolovacos" emigrants.

At the infancy, he had more recollections of his mother because he lived many years with her and she collaborated in some of his works.

When his father died, (that he was worker of cod mines), the family lived at the edge of the misery.

In 1945, he went to Carnegie Institut of Technology, where he received years of design and an artistic formation.

At holidays, he works for the adversiting and consumptions world.
He wanted to have, from younger, a different identity, what led him to using wigs in 1950 and to surrendering to an operations of surgery in 1957.

After to graduating, in 1949, he went with his friend Philip, to New York, dies Andrew Warhola and arises Andy Warhol.
He began to work for known magazines, and in 1952 celebrates the first individual exposition " Andy Warhol: fifty drawings based on Truman Copote's writings.

Warhol returns to the painting in 1960, and changes his professional identity as commercial artist to "Bellas Artes". In 1962, some of his topics more famous: Campbell's soup cans or disasters.

After he was interested by the cinema and he did his firsth movie experiments.

He died in New York city at 6.32 a.m on Frebruary 22 from 1987, from a sudden heart attack.

Sunday, September 14, 2008



September 13 I went with a friend to the cinema. I was impatient for to see the movie "street dance" because I love the dance, I dance in a academy of Paterna and I love the movies type this.

The movie is directed by: Jon Chu
American film.
Kind: Comedy dramatics, Romantic, Musical.
Duration: 1h. 38min. Production year: 2007
Original title: Step Up 2 the streets

Andie (Briana Evigan) a rebellious and urban dancer, lands in the Maryland School of the Arts. There it is found fighting for being integrated with the others without losing her own personality. Then it decides to be join with some of the ground-breaking dancers of the school, Chase (Robert Hoffman) to form a troupe of marginalized students that will compete in the famous battle of alternative dance of Baltimore "The Streets". In this way finds a way to carry out her dream to dance and at the same time to find a point of union between her two worlds.

My personal opinion: Already I have said that was impatient for seeing it, and oh my god, this film is spectacular, I have liked it a lot, the film has a real meaning. I love dance and this type of dance, and this film is very good, bearing a grudge this movie to all the people that like to dance.


Thursday, September 11, 2008



At the beginning of the holidays I was every day in Paterna with my friends, in the park, in the "torre of paterna"... we pass it well.

One day I stay with Valeria in her house, we went to the town and we were talking about all the things in the summer.

Another day I went to Elisa's house with Valeria and we talk too about all.

And other day Paula (4ºESO) was in my house to sleep, and she knew my friends and we went to the park.

August 17 I went to the concert "ECDL" with Ayelén, Bea, Agus and Anu.

We did queue of hours, and did a lot of heat. We were the first, and when ECDL left, we begin to scream, to sing, to dance... we pass it very well.

Every year I go to spend the holidays, in August, to Salou, Benidorm... for 7 or 8 days...
This year, August 18, I went to Peñíscola, and I passed it very well, because I have known to many people from Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia...

To the holidays I went with my aunt, my uncle and my little cousin Yoli. We were in two suite, one for my parents and me and another one for them. The hotel was of luxury.

Every nights my friends and me went to the beach, to the hotel with the hosts and seeing the spectacles that they did.

At morning normally my family and me had breakfast and later we were to the swimming pool, and to walk out of the hotel, that we had in front the beach, and one day we were there.

Later, at 2:30 we were to the dinning room and we had eat, that we had buffet. After we were to the suites and we sleep or we put the bather and we were to the swimming pool too or to the beach, or I went with the people that I have known in the hotel.

One day we were in the castle of Peñíscola.

Another day we went to the market and to the shopping center too.

After to Peñíscola, when I come back, my friends of Paterna and me were to the festivals from here. Every night we were to the park, to the concerts... to the "coves" and we went to see the "cordà", the "pasacalles" and etc...

Saturday, August 30, 2008

countable and uncountable nouns


English nouns are often described as "countable" or "uncountable".
Countable nouns are easy to recognize.
They are things that we can count.
For example: dog. We can count dogs, we can have one, two, three or more dogs.

Some more countable nouns:
pen, cat, animal, man, person, bottle, box, litre, coin, note, dollar , cup, plate, fork , table, chair, suitcase, bag

Can be singular or plural :
My dog is playing.
My dogs are hungry.

We can use the indefinite article a/an :
A dog is an animal.

When a countable noun is singular, we must use a word like: a/the/my/this.
Where is my bottle? (not Where is bottle?)

We can use some and any too with countable nouns, and a few and many.


Uncountable nouns are substances, concepts etc that we can't divide into separate elements.

We can't "count" them. For example: milk. We can't count milk, we only can count bottles of milk, litres, but not milk itself.

Some more uncountable nouns:
music, art, love, happiness, advice, information, news , furniture, luggage, rice, sugar, butter, water , electricity, gas, power, money, currency

We usually treat uncountable nouns as singular. We use a singular verb.
For example:
- This news is very important.

We don't usually use the indefinite article a/an with uncountable nouns. We cannot say "an information" or "a music". But we can say a something of:
- a piece of news

We can use some and any.
- I've got some money.
- Have you got any rice?

And we can use too a little and much.


Monday, August 11, 2008



The music is the art to combine the sound with the time.

Common elements of music are pitch (which governs melody and harmony), rhythm (and its associated concepts tempo, meter, and articulation), dynamics, and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture.

The word derives from Greek μουσική (mousike), "of the Muses".

The development of music among humans must have taken place against the backdrop of natural sounds such as birdsong and the sounds other animals use to communicate.

Prehistoric music is the name which is given to all music produced in preliterate cultures.

Greek philosophers and ancient Indians defined music as tones ordered horizontally as melodies and vertically as harmonies.


Thursday, July 31, 2008



Ecology is the scientific study of the distribution and abundance of life and the interactions between organisms and their environment.

The word "ecology" is often used more loosely in such terms as social ecology and deep ecology and in common parlance as a synonym for the natural environment or environmentalism.

Likewise "ecologic" or "ecological" is often taken in the sense of environmentally friendly.

The term ecology or oekologie was coined by the German biologist Ernst Haeckel in 1866, when he defined it as "the comprehensive science of the relationship of the organism to the environment.


Saturday, July 26, 2008



Simple Future has two different forms in English: "will" and "be going to." Both "will" and "be going to" refer to a specific time in the future.

[will + verb]

You will help him later

You will not help him later

Will you help him later?

Will is used for to express a voluntary action (ex: I will translate the email, so Mr. Smith can read it), to express a promise (ex: I will call you when I arrive) and to express a prediction (ex: The year 2222 will be a very interesting year). Is used to express offens too.

[am/is/are + going to + verb]
You are going to meet Jane tonight.

You are not going to meet Jane tonight.

Are you going to meet Jane tonight?

Going to is used for to express a plan (ex: He is going to spend his vacation in Hawaii) and to express a prediction (ex: The year 2222 is going to be a very interesting year). Is used to express an intention too.

-When we want to talk about future facts or things we believe to be true about the future, we use 'will'

-If we are not so certain about the future, we use 'will' with expressions such as 'probably', 'possibly', 'I think', 'I hope'

-If you are making a future prediction based on evidence in the present situation, use 'going to'.

-At the moment of making a decision, use 'will'. Once you have made the decision, talk about it using 'going to'.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008



Form: [am/is/are + present participle]

Use the Present Continuous with normal verbs to express the idea that something is happening now, at this very moment.

You are learning English now

You are not swimming now

Are you sleeping?

In english, 'now' can mean: this second, today, this month, this year, this century, and so on. But sometimes we can use the present continuous to say that we are in the process of doing a longer action which is in progress.

Sunday, June 08, 2008



A video game is a game that involves interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a video device. The electronic systems used to play video games are known as platforms; examples of these are personal computers and video game consoles.

Video games are primarily meant for entertainment. However, some video games are made (at least in part) for other reasons. These include advergames, educational games, propaganda games (e.g. militainment), and others. Many of these fall under the category of serious games.

TYPES: Arcade game, Computer game, Console game, Handheld game...

CATEGORIES: Action, Adventure and Role playing, Arcade, Strategy, Simulation, Driving, Puzzle, Sports...

My favorite game is Super Mario Bros, because this game is very entertained, very funny and the most real"one.


Video games.wav -

Sunday, June 01, 2008



Wednesday 14, ESO 2 went to Germany, to do an exchange (the committeé europe). Is a project in which gather around students of different countries, some families receive us and every one stay in one house, and they learn English. It is done every year, and this year has touched in Wittmund, Germany. We did workshops and we passed it very well.

This year the workshops were: football, cooking, dance and fashion.

We went to visit the town with all the people of the committeé in bus, we dance in the disco, we did a parade in the town and we did the workshops.

After to passing three days with the german families, we went to a hostal in Cologne, where we passed one night and two days, and we passed it very well, because the hostel was very good.
The first day that we stayed there, we went to the chocolate museum and later we have dinner at the hostal. We went to the bedrooms and my friends and me we were speaking many time, and later we sleep. The second and last day, we went to the cathedral of Cologne.
The cathedral is gothic style and it was built in 1248 and finished at 1880. It is situated in the Cologne center and is the most visited monument of Germany. With its 157 meters of height was the highest building of the world to the culmination of the cathedral of Ulm in 1890, with 161.5 meters.

Committeé europe.wav -

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Monsoon wedding

MONSOON WEDDING - The extended Aditi family reunites from around the globe for a last-minute arranged marriage in New Delhi. Monsoon Wedding traces five intersecting stories. The family's hopes, anxieties and long-guarded secrets emerge amid frantic wedding preparations.

ARRANGED MARRIAGE - Marriages planned by their parents and oher respected family-members. The institution of marriage in India is considered a very important one.

Differences in our weddings and their weddings - The similar is the flowers, the photos, the time in family... But the different is the way in which they celebrate it, and that when the people marries, they are known of long before.

and in the differences: my opinion.

Monsoon wedding, arranged marriage and differences.wav -

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Bollywood, Indians films and Mira Nair.

BOLLYWOOD : Is the informal term populary used for Mumbai-based Hindi-language film industry in India. Bollywood is one of the largest films producers in the world, is how Hollywood in England, but in India is Bollywood. The films usually are the same.

INDIAN CINEMA : The indian film industry is the largest in the world in terms of ticket sales and number of
films producted anually.
Indians films:
Monsoon wedding, Gandhi, Earth, English August, Bollywood Calling, Salaam Bombay, A train to Pakistan, A passage to India, Mr. and Mrs. Iyer, Hyderabad Blues.

Mira Nair : She was born in Rarkela, October 15, 1957. Is an
indian-born New York-based film director. Her production company is Mirabai films. She was educated at Delhi University and Harvard University. At the beginning of her career as a films artist, Nair directed four documentaries.

Bollywood, indiands films and mira nair.wav -

Sunday, April 13, 2008

"Fallas & "holy week"

In this time, to be on vacation, the only that I have done is to go out with my friends, for a stroll or walk, to see fallas and throwing "petardos". I passed it very well, because my friends are very funnies and always we're with a smile in the face.

Later, at night, we were in the street and in the "falla" of a friend that they gave us beverage.

We were in the park, in the fallas, in the house of one, in the street, with all the people of paterna, with many people... And one day I was in the gulliver and in the city of the arts and the sciences because came a cousin of a friend, that she was of Madrid.

I have known to many people, very funny and very friendly.

The only that I can say is that I passed it very well and the next fallas will be better. And in holy week I have done the same thing, go out with my friends but without the fallas, because fallas was finished.

Fallas and holy week.wav -

Sunday, March 02, 2008


INDIAN ECONOMY - India's economic history can be broadly divided into three eras, beginning with the pre-colonial period lasting up to the 17th century. The advent of British colonisation started the colonial period in the 17th century, which ended with independence in 1947. India's economy is diverse, encompassing agriculture, handicrafts, textile, manufacturing, and a multitude of services.

INDIAN SOCIETY - Indian society is an extent perhaps unknown in any other of the world's great civilizations.

HISTORY OF INDIA - The history of India begins with the Indus Valley Civilization, which flourished in the north-western part of the Indian subcontinent from 3300 to 1700. Islam arrived on the subcontinent early in the 8th century CE with the conquest of Baluchistan and Sindh by Muhammad bin Qasim. During the first half of the 20th century, a nationwide struggle for independence was launched by the Indian National Congress, and later joined by the Muslim League. The subcontinent gained independence from Great Britain in 1947.


Friday, February 22, 2008

Past continuous

FORM: [was/were + present participle]

Use the past continuous to indicate an action in the past was interrupted.

was dancing when I met Javi
wasn't dreaming, it was real
were you doing when you met your best friend?


I was watching TV when she called.

I wasn't watching TV when she called

Was I wathing TV when she called?

The Past Continuous is interrupted by a shorter action in the Past Simple. You can also use a specific time as an interruption.


Last night at 6 PM, I was eating dinner.
Yesterday at this time, I was sitting at my desk at work.


Past continous.wav -

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

A country of Africa


Madagascar is a country of Africa.
The official name is: 'Repoblikan'i Madagaskara'.
Is the fourth-largest island in the world.

Located: East: Island.
Capital: Antananarivo (Tana)
Area: 594.180 sq km.
Population: 15.4 million
Languages: Malagasy and French

It includes much smaller islands and high mountains in a central chain.
The economy of Madagascar is dominated by agriculture.

Is the island more big to Africa and the fourth more big in the world. It is separate by "the canal of Mozambique"

The est rivers are shorts and torrentials, but in the occidental part are more bigs and longs.


Tuesday, January 22, 2008


To use the present perfect is needed this form: has/have + past participle.

We use the present perfect to refer an action that happened at an unspecified time before now, but the exact time is not important.

People have traveled to the moon.
I have been in London many times.

People haven't traveled to the moon.
I haven't been in London many times.

Have the people traveled to the moon?
Have I been in London many times?

We can't use the present perfect with specific time expressions: yesterday, one year ago, last week, etc... but we can use with unspecific expressions: ever, never, many times, before, etc.

The difference between past simple and present perfect is that to use the present perfect is needed add have/has .

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Use Past Simpe to express an action in the past that is started or finished in a specific time.

To make an affirmative sentence in the past is needed the subject (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they) + verb in past form + adverbial.

I went to the beach yesterday.
You ate paella last year.

To make a negative sentence is needed the subject + auxiliary (did not, didn't) + verb infinitive + adverbial.

I didn't go to the beach yesterday.
You didn't eat paella last year.

And to make an interrogative sentence is needed the question words (when, why, where, etc...) + auxiliary (did) + subject + verb infinitive + adverbial.

Why did I go to the beach yesterday?
When did you eat paella?

In the regulars verbs is added "ed" or "d" if finishes in vocal. If finishes in "y" changes for "ied".

We played tennis for two hours.
She arrived late.
You studied a lot.

In the irregulars verbs has a own form. Is the second column in the list of the verbs.

I went to the cinema last night.
He drunk water yesterday.