Friday, September 04, 2009

my book


One morning Judith and Grace were riding their horses on the snow. Grace was on the horse Pilgrim and Judith on the horse Gulliver. They got for a path, but suddenly, Judith heard a strange sound, and a big truck doubled the corner. The driver saw them but he couldn't stop before hitting them. Judith fell down and was struck in the head while Pilgrim tried to attack the truck

Mrs Dyer, the stables owner, phoned Robert, Grace's father. Grace was in a hospital badly hurt. Then Mrs Dyer phoned Annie, Grace's mother.

They had found Pilgrim in a cold hole. Pilgrim had lost much blood and it was damaged. They thought it was better to kill the animal. But Grace's mother said no.

When Grace wake up in the hospital, she knew Judith and Gulliver were dead and she began feeling guilty.

After, it was christmas, and Grace didn't want to ride it again or to see other people riding it. They went to a dark house where Pilgrim was and Grace could see it again. Pilgrim was in a corner and Grace felt frightened about Pilgrim condition and the terrible smelt.

Annie was trying to solve Pilgrim and she read a book about horse whisperers. They were men who could speak with horses and know what they thought. One day, Annie listened to a message. Harry Logan, the veterinary had heard about Tom Booker, a horse whisperer. He worked in California at a clinic for nervous horses. Tom received a calling from Annie and, next morning, he received a packet with some photographs of Grace and Pilgrim besides a return ticket to New York.

Can the horse whisperer nurse Pilgrim back health?


path - camino

hole - agujero frío

guilty - culpable

damage - daño


my book

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